
Energy storage in hydrogen

Energy storage in hydrogen

If all the roofs are covered with the photovoltaic panels we will have 2x more electricity than we currently need. To quote the Solar Impulse Foundation: “Clean and profitable solutions for the environment” which developed and designed a solar-powered aircraft that flew around the world of Solar Impulse. Nevertheless the problem resides in the distribution of electricity at a time when the most energy is in summer and the least in winter. In winter, however, in our latitudes the most of the energy is consumed by the heating.

Therefore, the problem is not with the production of clean renewable energy itself but with its access and to be at at the right time in the right place. This idea only points to the fact that the key is the energy accumulation and its decentralized production.

Personally, I was very pleasantly surprised that there are already Czech companies that are able to work with hydrogen technology which is the first real tangible example of the so-called off-season storage.

The produced electric energy can be converted into hydrogen using yet commercially available electrolysers, which can be further stored again in commercially available high-pressure vessels and then, in periods of energy shortages, hydrogen can be converted back into electricity into the heat using commercially available electrochemical fuel cells.

We have made contact with the Czech "integrators" of hydrogen technology

Their orientation resides in the preparation for the near future regarding the storage of excess energy from photovoltaic systems and actively move ahead towards the future.

The systems that we presently build are open enough to be extended with the hydrogen off-season storage – that is, to absorb heat and electricity and distribute it to existing heat and electricity distribution systems. In the near future, we will start to offer a small H2-based off-season storage.

The current price of hydrogen technology is high but not astronomical (space technology). Therefore, if the potential energy crisis worsens, this is the only realistic way to inter-seasonal electricity storage.

About company ENESO

Company ENESO was founded in 2009 and since its origin has been engaged in design-implementation-service of photothermal and photovoltaic solar systems, electronic security systems, GSM cameras and heating. Solar panels are used for year-round water heating in homes and are designed to make the most of the impact of the solar rays throughout the year, while at the same time returning the initial investment as quickly as possible.

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Eneso s.r.o.

Headquarters: Žitavská 56/50, 460 01 Liberec (map)

Prague office: Podnikatelská 565, 190 11 Praha 9 - Běchovice (Areál BĚCHOVICE KKIG budova 10A) (mapa)

Brno office: Božetěchova 133,
612 00 Brno - Královo Pole (map)

Owner & executive director: Ing. Alois Láska, Ph.D.

Phone: +420 605 502 676

Email: alois.laska@eneso.cz

IN: 22772804 │ TIN: CZ22772804

File mark:
C 30960 registered at the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem

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